Friday, December 26, 2014

Brief Weird Words From The Past

Nobody has invented a real time machine but a book can make you a time traveler. Yeah!


Well, I just found a book of mine, a book where I wrote about many random things in it. I started writing on the book on 2010. The last time stamp written on it is Feb 22, 2012.

I just realized how I desperately tried hard to write down everything I wanted to do in my daily life, my life. There seems hundreds of wishlist I haven't made it happen. 

But there is one page that really caught my eyes. I can't believe I wrote it.
What are we living for?
As long as I'm alive, I'll do my best for everyone. I want to have many friends, I don't want any enemy. We are all living in the same world, the same planet, earth. So, why don't we just live together in peace? If so, that would be wonderful.

Selfishness. Everyone has it. But how can we control it? We are just humans. Don't let it control us, we have to control it.

Sadness and happiness. They are two very different things, just like love and hate. But we can have them at one time, isn't that cool?

Regret. Never regret anything as long as we do the right thing.

I'm a mean girl, but from the deepest of my heart I want to see everyone happy. 

I don't know what was on my mind when I wrote it. Yes I am weird person who has a bunch of random thing in mind. And worse, I'm not good at memorizing. That's why reopening old books like this can help me reminding me what I did in the past, reminding me how strange and fool I was lol.

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Tuesday, December 23, 2014

I can't write

I am not good at writing. It’s always hard to find the idea. What am I gonna write? Is this okay? Is that okay?


So this is what I’m thinking about now. I love reading. Books, article, or news. I always wonder how those writers and journalists are so amazing. They are genius. How to convince their readers to read their writing until the last words? How to make sure that the writing is not boring? They can describe the exact detail of a place or simply an object with very-well-structured words. They are able to bring us to their story, their world.

Isn't that cool?

When I was in school, I always hate it when my teacher asked me to write a paragraph. He taught me how to write a paragraph. There are some common steps to do it. But still, it's hardddddd.

I wish I could get an opportunity to join a workshop about writing techniques whether it's for journal, news, novel, or lyrics maybe....that would be fun.
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Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Being An Adult.

I still can't believe that I've been a working woman for more than a year. It always feels like yesterday was my graduation day. Am I an adult now? I don't think so. Hanging out with my college friends, singing like crazy in the karaoke room, fangirling over those handsome actors from tv series are still being considered on my weekend to–do list. That thought that I am just a kid, I am just a's coming over and over again.

What is the meaning of Adult? Being mature, grown–up, fully grown–up. As many of us think, that what makes us 'look' as an adult is when we do every aspect in our life in a wise way, not a 'wasted' way. I can think wisely, I can speak wisely, I can act wisely, but I'm not certain that I can be truly a wise person. My mind is still unstable, sometimes. I don't know if this is only me but I often lost my mind, not in the literal meaning of course. It just feels like I have no idea what to do, how to settle this and that, how to get through it. I wonder if I had a mental disorder or whatever.

See? My mind is starting making nonsense.

When I was a kid, I looked at those adult people. How could they be so selfish and annoying? Yes, that's usually what  children think about adult people. I hope I'm not that kind of adult. As I grew up, somehow that so–called maturity changed my way of thinking. I turned to be a bit more logical, more rational. I want to make everything as simple as I can. Don't take it too hard. Don't make it complicated. I may be, indeed, that type of person (fyi, I am a B–type). Why should you overuse your own brain for such silly and unimportant matters? Am I right?

People around me often question me about how calm I am as a human being. They think my life is only about having fun. They said I always look 'fine'. A friend told me "You've been single for years but you look so easy about it." OF COURSE. What is wrong with being single? I'm only 22 tho, I am young. (Now I'm entertaining myself)

How do I live my life? Simple. That is why sometimes it brings me bad effect on me. For example, when I was in college, when I had to do an assignment I had never tried to do it perfectly. I mean when it's done then it's done. There were some friends who work too hard on looking for another algorithm or theory just to make their assignment look perfect. I am not perfect and I am not a perfectionist. I'm afraid that I often break my boss or my partner's expectation.

Anyway, as for me, being adult is about build my own responsibility. Whatever happened to me was made by me. I'm the one who's in charge. I'm the one who's responsible. I shouldn't blame others. I can't give it all to my parents anymore. If I regret some things, that's the risk. 

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Sunday, October 26, 2014

RUKI Si Anak Rajin

Well, sebenernya ini hanya repost dari tulisan saya di Semoga bermanfaat ^^

Minggu, 12 Oktober 2014
Sekitar satu bulan saya melewatkan 4 hari minggu tidak datang ke LPK. Saya udah kangen berat sama anak-anak, apalagi tadi pagi ada SMS dari Karin, salah satu anak didik LPK, menanyakan:
“Assalamualaikum ka luxsi mau ke LPK gak tapi les gak dari karin”
Tanpa koma tanpa titik :D
Ya, seneng banget pagi-pagi dapet SMS dari bocah lucu ini. Saya tambah semangat berangkat ke LPK pagi ini. Seperti biasa saya berangkat bersama Kak Iis. Sekitar pukul 10:00 kami sampai di LPK. Perjalanan pagi ini cukup memakan waktu karena jalur Dramaga sampai Leuweungkolot macet. Apalagi daerah kampus IPB, ya sabar aja deh pokoknya..
Saat kami tiba di LPK, Kak Dede, Kak Lani, & dkk sudah mulai mengajar di dalam Lab Komputer. Beberapa anak ada yang sedang bermain bercanda di saung. Namun yang jadi perhatian saya adalah seorang bocah laki-laki di luar Lab Komputer, sepertinya dia sedang mengintip keadaan di dalam. Wajah anak itu tidak familiar, mungkin saya baru pernah melihat dia. Ketika saya dekati, dia kelihatan malu-malu (cute banget deh hehe). Kemudian saya ajak mengobrol:
“Hey, kenapa kamu di luar?”
*senyum malu-malu*
“Nama kamu siapa? Kok kamu ga masuk?”
“Ruki kak…” (saya sempat salah mengira namanya Luki, bukan Ruki)
“Kamu dari SD mana?”
“SD Cibadak kak..”
Saya sempat meninggalkan dia sebentar ke sekumpulan bocah yang sedang bermain di saung. Seperti biasa, mereka heboh kalo ada kakak-kakak yang dateng haha.
Saat kembali ke Lab Komputer, ternyata Ruki sudah berada di dalam. Kak Lani meminta saya untuk mengajari Ruki matematika: penjumlahan dan pengurangan. Dia memang baru menginjak kelas 2 SD, materi pelajarannya masih yang simpel dan sederhana. Kalau saya perhatikan, Ruki ini pintar dalam hitung menghitung. Dia cukup cepat dalam menjawab soal penjumlahan. Saya membuat beberapa soal penjumlahan dan pengurangan. Untuk pengurangan, dia masih agak kesulitan karena ternyata memang belum diajarkan di sekolah hehe. Tapi setelah saya beri tahu metode perhitungannya, dia cukup mengerti. Semoga. Hehe.
Karena sudah cukup banyak soal yang saya berikan, kami memutuskan untuk mengakhiri latihan soal. Saya ajak dia mengobrol, saya menanyakan tentang keluarga dan kegiatan dia sehari-hari.
“Sekolah Ruki jauh nggak dari rumah?”
“Enggak kak, deket.”
“Berangkat sendiri atau dianter?”
“Sendiri kak.”
“Tetangga Ruki nggak ada yang barengan sekolahnya?”
“Nggak ada.”
“Hmmm…biasanya pulang sekolah jam berapa?”
“Jam setengah dua belas kak”
“Kamu kalo abis pulang sekolah ngapain?”
“Hm makan siang sama ngerjain PR dulu kak.” (Masya Allah, beda banget sama jaman saya SD…)
“Terus ngapain lagi?”
“Belajar…” (Good!)
“Bapaknya Ruki kerja dimana?”
“Dagang kak, ehm dagang mie ayam”
“Oh dangang mie ayam, di dalem rumah gitu?”
“Enggak kak, keliling pake gerobak”
“Oh… wah asik dong bisa makan mie ayam tiap hari hehe, kamu suka kan mie ayam nya?”
“Iya suka kak”
“Kalo Ibu kerja dimana?”
“Keliling nagihin kredit kak..”
“Waah kredit apaan?”
“Lemari kak..”
“Kamu punya adik?”
“Punya kak”
“Cewe atau cowo? Umurnya berapa?”
“Cewe kak, umurnya 1,5 tahun..”
“Bapak Ruki jualannya jam berapa?”
“Nyiapinnya dari jam 8 pagi, jam setengah 2 mulai keliling.”
“Biasanya keliling kemana aja? Terus pulangnya jam berapa?”
“Kadang ke pasar malem.. Pulangnya malem kak”
“Kalo Ibu Ruki mulai jam berapa kelilingnya?”
“Jam 3 kak..”
“Sampai jam berapa?”
“Jam 5 udah pulang kak”
“Lho, kalo Bapak sama Ibu lagi keliling, adeknya Ruki siapa yang njagain?”
“Biasanya diajakin Ibu keliling juga kak”
“Oh…kalo sore-sore kamu ngapain?”
“Ngaji kak”
“Sampe jam berapa?”
“Jam 8 kak”
“Abis sholat isya ya? Pulang ngaji kamu ngapain?”
“Makan malem. Abis itu tidur..”
“Kamu nggak nonton tv?”
“Enggak kak”

Masya Allah…. di jaman serba teknologi canggih kayak sekarang, masih ada anak rajin seperti Ruki. Bahkan dulu saya pun nggak serajin dia hehe. Dari obrolan (yang sepertinya lebih mirip wawancara :p) saya bersama Ruki, saya belajar beberapa hal. Kesederhanaan, ketekunan, dan pentingnya bersyukur. Semoga Ruki menjadi anak yang pintar, soleh, berbakti kepada orang tua, dan dapat menggapai cita-citanya. Amiiin…
Tak lama kemudian, ayah Ruki datang menjemput. Satu hal, terlihat dari raut wajah beliau bahwa ia ingin anaknya dapat mendapatkan pendidikan yang layak. Siapa sih orang tua yang tidak mau anaknya menjadi lebih baik dari mereka? Tidak ada.
Alhamdulillah LPK Tepi Sawah dapat menyediakan fasilitas dan sarana pendidikan yang mungkin belum bisa didapatkan di rumah atau sekolah anak-anak Desa Cikonjen, Cipakel, Bubulak, Cibadak, dan sekitarnya. Semoga lebih bermanfaat ke depannya :)
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About FOLK music.

Have you ever heard of Bod Dylan? He was one of the most legendary folk artists. If you didn't know him, well, where on earth do you live? Honestly, I didn't use to listen to folk music. When I was in elementary grades, I listened to Westlife, everyday. Every morning before I went to school I (sometimes my dad) played their songs using our VCD player. Oldie, yes. Then in junior high school I started to listen to pop and rock music. Busted, Simple Plan, Linkin Park, Evanescence. But recently, I love to listen to folk music, both old and modern folk music. My favorite is Bob Dylan, of course, and The Civil Wars. The Civil Wars was the best duo I've ever known. Unfortunately they broke up already.

Folk music is often called as traditional music. Many articles said that folk  music came from 'folk' who were mostly farmers and workers living in villages or country sides. Music is a way to express their thoughts, like freedom of speech. That is why most folk songs telling about everyday's life, protests, social & politics, love, whatever they want to tell the world. For what I know, the lyrics of folk songs are usually simple and uncomplicated. And one thing I want to point it out here, folk music doesn't require such expensive instruments, like piano or violin. You can just use an old guitar, or just clapping your hands, or you can just simply sing! It's up to you, make your own style!

So what's the difference between folk and country music? Country is a style of folk music. And it's more relatable to pop music. That's the reason why country music is more 'familiar' than folk music. And country music is often related to Cowboy, yihaaa!

Woodie Guthrie
Woodie Guthrie is often mentioned as one of the main contributors to the revival of folk music. He was an American folk musician. His music works includes political, traditional, and children songs. He's one of Bob Dylan's major influence. His most popular song is "This Land is Your Land". 

Lead Belly
Another American folk musician to be considered as the man behind folk music expansion is Lead Belly. His true name was Huddie William Leadbetter. He's older than Woodie Guthrie. He was well known for his strong vocals and his twelve–strings guitar. He wrote songs not only about women, racism, everyday's life, but also about people such as Franklin D. Roosevelt, Adolf Hitler, and Jean Harlow.

Bob Dylan
And last, everyone knows Bob Dylan. Even Steve Jobs was a fan of him. You must have known some of his songs such as "Like A Rolling Stone" or "Tangled Up in Blue" or "Knonckin' On Heaven's Door". His lyrics have incorporated a variety of political, social, philosophical, and literary influences. He's now 73 and still producing music. He's even ready for American tour this fall with his band.

There has been many improvements of folk music. It's like combining original folk music with another genres such as pop, blues, rock. Music is always an experiment, indeed. You can check out many modern folk songs, especially American folk songs that seem more various than in another countries. If you have no idea, open your Spotify. It is really recommended. They provide 'Browse' menu that helps you to find songs based on their classification and it will directs you to their provided–playlists. Go go go!

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Saturday, September 20, 2014

"When you have things in your mind but you can't tell anyone, just write it on your blog."
(Quotes of the lazy day.)

One day I said "We always have to stay positive, throw away the negatives."
Now I'm telling myself  "How the hell am I supposed to do that?"

Talking is always much easier than doing.

I've been sick since three days ago. It was only a little headache actually but it has been extended by flu and cough. I always hate to go to the doctor because I think I just need more rest. It's like yeah I'm not that weak I can handle it, my body can handle it, I hope so.

Ten minutes ago, my brain just gave me a really scary thought "What if I have a cancer?"
It's like.........WHAT?!?
Hey brain, just because of the hair loss it doesn't mean that I have a cancer!

It really bothers me.
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Sunday, August 31, 2014

One of the best Sundays I've ever had

No, it's not a late post. It just happened last week, August 24th exactly. That was one of my best days ever. Why? Because, finally, I had a chance to see Ellie Goulding's live performance!

Ellie Goulding.......Ellie oh Ellie... Really, I don't know what I have to say about this young lady, this great singer, this great songwriter, she's truly an amazing woman. I knew her when 'I Need Your Love' was released, her single featuring Calvin Harris. At that time, honestly, I thought "This song is so weird.....really weird." I deleted that song immediately. And as we all know, karma does exist. This year, I started to love her songs. Since I heard "Burn", I began to listen to all of her albums, and man she's brilliant.

Then BOOM!! A promotor announced that there would be a concert, but it's more like a music festival I think. They call it We The Fest, #WTF14. There would be some artists from around the world, including local artists, from my country, Indonesia. I was so fckn excited when Ellie was announced to be on of the lineup. Maaaan, it was like WOW I just started to love her and suddenly she was going to come to my country. It came to my thought "I HAVE TO GO NO MATTER WHAT".

It's not always as easy as I thought. I mean, yeah, you know, in a music festival. It would be a lil bit difficult to focus on one performer. There were a bunch of another artists, such as Banks, Havana Brown, Timeflies, Miami Horror, RAC, Lala, Sore, etc. To be honest, I didn't have any idea who they are. I only knew Ellie Goulding, only her. That made me change my mind, I thought I wouldn't make it. I didn't have anyone to go there together indeed.. So, yeah, I gave up.

A week before the concert, my officemate asked me if I would go to #WTF14 or not. And at the moment, I was like "YES SURE YOU WANNA GO TOO, DONT YOU??". Then I bought the ticket. Lucky me, I got a ticket from someone who had a leftover and she sold it in a cheaper price. Thank God.
We couldn't wait till the weekend come. I barely could get my self focused on my works haha.

The weekend finally came. There were two stages, Crown Chella & Banana Palooza. It sounds familiar, isn't it? It's like coachella and lollapalooza haha. I and my friend chose to stay at Crown Chella stage because it was full of DJ set at another stage. We don't really like DJ set. So, we arrived there and saw a first performance by Maliq N D'Essentials, a cool band from my country. But we were bloody hungry at the moment so we went to the food town, they called it the food town. After we finished the foods we got back to the crowds when Timeflies were doing their performance. They're great, I like the vocalist, he was really get along with the audiences. He's very interactive.

After Timeflies, Miami Horror came up to the stage. Hellyeah, we were waiting for them, we wanted to see them so badly. Their music sounds like Vampire Weekend, Two Door Cinema Clubs, and MGMT sometimes. Yeah, sort of that. It was a lil bit disappointing because they didn't talk much. BUT the vocalist was really really crazy haha. He's really good at dancing, with his own crazy style! And one more, the keyboardist!!!!! He was jumping all the time while he's playing the instrument....for the whole performances. It was like everyone talked about seeing him weirdly lol.

We decided to skip Azelia Banks's performance because we didn't really know her. We were just hanging around, get some drinks, sitting on the grass........and the best part was Bungee Trampoline!! We pushed our nerves to try. That was really really amazing. However, it was pretty hard to move my legs in order to roll my body when I reach the top. There was a foreign man who could roll his body seven or eight times a row. That's crazy.

Banks came up after Azelia Banks. I knew her but not really listen to her songs. Her voice sounds unique. Her music style is somehow dark and gloomy. But she was really good on stage. I thought I love her live performance more than her recorded songs. She's great. And her voice when she's talking is very cute, really different when she's singing. We watched her from far, sitting and laying on the grass..enjoying her on stage.

It was almost 11 PM when Ellie Goulding came up. We used to wait her for like an hour since Banks got down from the stage. The preparation was bloodyhellyeah.
My body was like trembling, with excitement, when she showed up on stage. First song was 'Starry Eyed'. I was really happy to see her, she looked gorgeous!! Such a goddess. She perfectly did it. I was at a loss for words. Everyone was jumping around and singing along.

I didn't know that she would sing my favorite song 'This Love Will be Your Downfall' OMG I was almost crying I swear (well it's too much haha). My favourite part was when she did an acoustic performance of 'Guns and Horses', that was perfect! How could she do that eh????

She didn't talk that much actually. But there was a funny part when she said 'OMG guys you are so quiet, I really don't know what to say' haha. Yeah indeed, it was not really as loud as a concert should be. All people right there were like just enjoying her songs, clapping their hands, swaying their body. I shout her name just a few times, I couldn't do it because people around me were.......quiet. But I love that kind of atmosphere, I could focus on the music, the songs, and her beautiful voice.

Encore was always the best part in every concert, it should be. The last three songs were 'Anything Could Happen', 'Lights', and of course 'Burn'. Everyone jumped and sang along and raised their hands in the air. I felt like I was in the other world At the moment, I thought I would've regretted it seriously if I hadn't gone there. Man, it was the best concert I ever had.

Ellie you are great, you are amazing, everybody loves you!

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Monday, August 11, 2014

Menikmati Masa Tua

Wait, it's not about me, of course. Saya hanya ingin berbagi cerita tentang seorang bapak yang saya temui di bus saat perjalanan saya ke Jakarta dua minggu yang lalu. Beliau duduk di samping saya. Karena kondisi arus balik yang sangat padat hingga macet berjam jam, kami sempat mengobrol cukup banyak.

Beliau asli dari Purbalingga, namun sudah menetap di Bekasi sejak lebih dari 30 tahun yang lalu. Beliau merantau demi mendapat pekerjaan di Jakarta. Kalem, baik, ramah, itulah kesan yang saya dapat dari sosok beliau.

Sebelumnya si bapak bekerja di salah satu perusahaan soft drink ternama di Jakarta. Beliau mengatakan, "Saya ambil pensiun lebih cepat Mbak." Jabatan terakhir yang dipegang oleh beliau adalah supervisor di bagian Sales Marketing.

Awalnya beliau bekerja sebagai helper. Helper adalah asisten dari salesman. Beliau cukup lama bekerja pada posisi tersebut. Tugas helper adalah membantu salesman untuk mengangkut atau mengeluarkan rak rak botol minuman dari atau ke mobil box pengangkut barang. Ya intinya mah bantu bantu apa aja, namanya juga helper hehe. Tapi jangan salah, tes untuk menjadi helper ternyata tidak mudah karena helper harus memiliki ketahanan fisik yang kuat.

Setelah beberapa tahun bertugas sebagai helper, beliau naik jabatan menjadi salesman. Sebenarnya tugas salesman  tidak lebih ringan dari helper. Untuk mengirim produk ke toko toko atau warung, salesman dan helper pergi keliling menggunakan mobil box atau pick up. Nah, tugas salesman adalah menyetir, menawarkan produk, mencatat, ya pokoknya semua mua dia yang urus. Sehingga salah satu persyaratan menjadi salesman adalah mempunyai SIM A.

Saat diangkat menjadi supervisor, beliau membawahi empat orang salesman. Katanya jadi supervisor itu ribet, apalagi kalau harus menghadapi anak buah yang "bandel".

Dari awal merantau ke Jakarta, beliau tidak pernah keluar dari perusahaan tersebut. Bayangkan berapa lama beliau bertahan, dari seorang helper sampai menjadi seorang supervisor.

"Tadinya saya sudah mau diangkat jadi manager tapi saya tolak, mending pensiun saja...."

NAH. Saya sempat kaget dan heran.

"Lho Pak, bukannya itu kesempatan besar? Kenapa tidak diambil?"

"Tanggung jawabnya besar Mbak, jadi supervisor aja saya udah pusing, repot, kewalahan..."

Saya mencoba berpikir positif, mungkin beliau memang ingin menikmati masa tuanya mengingat usianya yang sudah tidak muda.

"Sekarang saya jadi sopir pribadi Mbak, nganterin anak sekolah. Sebelumnya, setelah pensiun, saya pernah nyoba jadi sopir taksi."

NAH. Saya sontak kaget lagi. Bapak ini sudah pensiun, sudah dapat pesangon yang jumlahnya lumayan juga, kok masih nyari kerja??

"Walaupun sudah tua, saya nggak bisa diem Mbak orangnya. Kalo nggak ngapa-ngapain malah jadi capek, ntar malah jadi penyakit... Ya Alhamdulillah sekarang kerjanya juga nyantai, rumah majikan saya deket banget sama rumah."

Subhanallah.. Beliau yang sudah usia lanjut saja masih semangat bekerja, saya yang masih muda gini kadang masih suka males-malesan hehehe.

Begitulah cara beliau menikmati masa tuanya, menjadi sopir pribadi. Anaknya yang terakhir masih berada di bangku SMA kelas 3. Beliau mengatakan bahwa anak tersebut sangat pandai, rangking 1 di kelas. Biaya sekolahnya ditutup dengan dana beasiswa, beliau tidak perlu pusing-pusing memikirkan biaya sekolah. Terlihat wajah berseri beliau, pasti beliau sangat bangga dengan anaknya. Beliau berharap kelak anaknya mendapatkan beasiswa untuk mengambil pendidikan di perguruan tinggi. 

Selama mengobrol dengan beliau, saya belajar banyak hal. Hidup itu nggak usah dibikin susah, asal kita menikmatinya dengan ikhlas, mengerjakan sesuatu yang memang kita senangi, tapi yang paling penting harus tetap bertanggung jawab pada diri sendiri, orang tua, keluarga, teman, dan orang-orang sekitar. Materi atau uang bukanlah tolak ukur kebahagiaan yang bisa kita dapatkan, melainkan bagaimana kita menjalani hidup dengan cara yang kita senangi.

Pengen kaya? Boleh.
Hidup nyaman dan bahagia? Harus!

Just do what you love and enjoy the life ♥
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Sunday, July 13, 2014

Saturday, May 17, 2014


Steve Jobs. Who doesn't know him? Father of invention. He is big. He is genius.  

I was a computer science student and I have worked as a programmer for a half year. I am an IT person. Wow. Haha. It would be funny if I don't know the man who invented computer and all of its derived devices I have been using until now. To be honest, as a dumb student, I thought Bill Gates were the first man who invented computer. God, microsoft had definitely blown my mind up haha. Yea, the first computer I knew was a windows based computer, and my current computer is also using windows. Well.....

What I knew about Steve Jobs was he is the founder of Apple Inc. I didn't know if he is the man who invented the first computer with GUI even before Bill  Gates. Then my college friend gave me a copy of a movie titled "Pirates of Silicon Valley". It turned out that he is not an ordinary man. He invented everything related to all computers and gadgets we are all using now.

This book tells us all about Steve Jobs from he was born until he became one of the most influential people in the world. It took me three months to finish this book. It's clearly obvious because it is an english book with more than 600 pages inside it and english is not my common language as well. I had tried hard, fellas. But thank God I love the way Walter Isaacson wrote the book. I could easily understand paragraph by paragraph. You know sometimes reading a biography book is boring, right? Isaacson has proved it wrong! 

I won't write the review or resume or whatever because I believe there are already thousands of articles talking about him, completely. Here,  I just want to share some interesting points I got from this book. 

Steve Jobs was a genius, but had bad temper.
It can't be denied. Since he was a child he had learned about electronics from his father. His father gave him a 'working table' therefore he could learn anything he want using some little equipments. He was a curious boy. He also had a high sense of design and art. He knew how to turn simplicity into something elegant and fancy. But badly, it turned him into a bloody perfectionist person. The impact was when he led Apple, everytime his employees couldn't fulfill his expectations of making a product, he would shout to them in a very annoying way, or he could fire his employees right at the moment. I can't imagine if my boss were like him, I'd better resign soon LOL.

That's a complete apple!
Details are everything.
When his company was making a product, he had to know every part, every tiny part of it. Each part must be perfect. If he said the color is not match then the product wouldn't be released. That's what makes his products are all amazing. He didn't think about money, he just wanted to make good and powerful products.

He was handsome, wasn't he? haha
Father of innovation.
He brought everything that seemed not possible to reality. 
I don't need more words.

Steve Jobs with iPad
Oh yes, don't forget PIXAR.
He was also the CEO of Pixar Animation Studios. He's one of the founders, along with Edwin Catmull and John Lasseter. Toy Story was their first animation movie, one of the most successful animation movies of all time. Then it followed by another great movies like Finding Nemo, Monster Inc, The Incredible, Cars, Wall E, Up, Monster University, with all great success. 

Edwin Catmull, Steve Jobs, John Lasseter

I do admire Steve Jobs. He was genius. He knew what people need. He knew what was gonna be hits. The world of technology would be nothing without him.

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Wednesday, May 14, 2014



Chvrches (pronounced as "churches", sometimes stylised as CHVRCHES or CHVRCHΞS) are a Scottish electronic band, formed in 2011. The group consists of Lauren Mayberry (lead vocals, additional synthesisers, and samplers), Iain Cook(synthesizers, guitarbass, vocals), and Martin Doherty (synthesizers, samplers, vocals). Source:

This band is one of my favorites. First time I heard them on BBC Radio 1 Live Lounge. They covered "Do I Wanna Know" by Arctic Monkeys and "Team" by Lorde. The lead vocalist has such a unique voice, perfectly combined with amazing electro-sound music. They made me fall in love. Then I started to search their music on internet and WOW I love their songs. My favorites are Recover, Gun, and The Mother We Share.

The band released an EP titled "Recover EP" on 2013 and an album titled "The Bones of What You Believe"  on the same year. They have been known worldwide and already attended some big music festivals like SXSW and Coachella. They also had won some awards, the last was "Twenty Quid Music Prize" for best British pop single of the year: The Mother We Share from Popjustice.

You can check them out on their Youtube channel. You won't be disappointed, I guarantee it!
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Friday, April 18, 2014

Everything happened for a reason, a good reason, or even some good reasons.

Hari Jumat ini merupakan hari libur yakni untuk memperingati Good Friday atau Paskah.
Hari Jumat ini merupakan hari seharusnya ada di rumah, di kampung halaman, Purwokerto.
Hari Jumat ini merupakan hari di mana saya tersadar kalau pagi ini saya masih terbangun di Bogor.

Kecewa? Sedih? Wajar, itu sudah pasti. Bayangkan saja saya belum pulang ke rumah berbulan bulan, terakhir bulan Agustus tahun kemarin, hiks. Seharusnya semalam saya naik kereta Serayu Malam bersama sahabat saya, Hanna. Namun sepertinya Allah berkehendak lain. Hanya Hanna yang naik kereta tersebut.

Semua berawal dari kemacetan Jl. MH Thamrin. Selesai shalat Maghrib, saya bersama sahabat saya, Bimo, pulang dari kantor. Saat melewati jembatan penyebrangan HI, kami berdua ternganga. Macetnya luar biasa, hampir tidak ada pergerakan sama sekali. Pemandangan saat itu lebih mirip jalan raya yang disulap menjadi area parkir gratis. Kami tadinya berniat untuk naik kopaja ke Stasiun Sudirman, namun pemandangan luar biasa dari ujung thamrin sampai ujung jalan menuju Sudirman membuat kami memutuskan untuk menuju arah sebaliknya, arah ke Stasiun Tanah Abang. Kebetulan kondisi jalur menuju Tanah Abang terlihat lancar.

Namun, kami kembali ternganga (ini bahasa dari mana sih 'ternganga' haha). Baru beberapa saat kopaja kami melaju, pemandangan 'luar biasa' yang sama terlihat dari sebelum halte Sarinah sampai ujung perempatan. Oh God. Saat itu saya masih santai karena waktu masih menunjukan pukul 18 30. Kereta Serayu berangkat pukul 20 36. Selow...

Baru kali ini saya merasakan Jakarta macet luar biasa, sebelumnya macetnya biasa aja. Serius deh. Karena kami tidak tahan dengan macet yang super duper tidak manusiawi, akhirnya kami jalan kaki. Iya jalan kaki. Kami pun sampai di Stasiun Tanah Abang pukul 19 30. Sesampainya di sana ternyata kereta jurusan Stasiun Jakarta Kota berikutnya datang pukul 20 18. Yassalam itu sudah pasti saya bakal ketinggalan kereta Serayu. Untungnya Bimo langsung dapat kereta arah Serpong. Tidak lama kemudian kereta jurusan Stasiun Manggarai datang. Saya memutuskan untuk naik kereta tersebut. Namun, entah kenapa kereta yang saya tumpangi sempat tertahan hampir 10 menit saat akan masuk Stasiun Manggarai. Saya mulai was was. 

Di Stasiun Manggarai saya masih harus menunggu kereta tujuan Stasiun Jakarta Kota. Pukul 20 00 saya berangkat dari Stasiun Manggarai. Saya sudah yakin bahwa saya bisa mengejar kereta Serayu. Namun lagi lagi saya diuji, kereta tertahan lagi saat akan masuk ke stasiun Juanda. Saat itu saya sudah pasrah "Ya Allah apapun kehendakmu, hamba pasrah... Namun sesungguhnya hamba ingin sekali pulang ke rumah". Saya mengirim wassap  ke Hanna, menanyakan apakah keretanya sudah mau berangkat atau belum. Sesampainya kereta saya di Stasiun Jayakarta (satu stasiun sebelum Jakarta Kota) Hanna memberi tahu saya bahwa kereta sudah berangkat. Saya langsung...............lemes. Saya mulai merasakan ada liquid menggenang di ujung mata, namun saya berusaha untuk menahannya karena tidak mungkin saya tiba tiba nangis di depan para penumpang lain.

Kebetulan sahabat sahabat saya yang lain sedang meet up di Stasiun Jakarta Kota. Saya langsung menemui mereka, baru deh saya bisa menangis •.• Beruntung sekali saat itu ada mereka, Iis, Nurul, Aziz, dan Ari. Terima kasih Ya Allah untuk mengirim malaikat malaikat penghibur ini. Entah kenapa saat bertemu mereka kesedihan & kekecewaan saya (karena ketinggalan kereta) langsung berkurang. "Saya ikhlas Ya Allah, mungkin ini memang yang terbaik untuk hamba."

Kami berlima menuju KFC di stasiun tersebut. Kebetulan saya memang kelaparan setelah melakukan perjalanan dari kantor yang sangat luar biasa melelahkan. Seperti biasa kami mengobrol dan untungnya ada Aziz yang suka ngebanyol membuat kami tertawa haha. Suatu keajaiban malam itu obrolan kami cukup serius. Padahal pas jaman kuliah mah obrolannya teh suka nggak penting hehe. Kami membahas tentang politik, ya maklum Aziz dan Ari adalah duo KPU. Karena sepertinya sudah larut dan KFCnya mau tutup akhirnya kami langsung menuju peron, menunggu kereta pulang ke arah Bogor. 

Kami melanjutkan obrolan dan makin lama makin asyik. Saya memang tidak mengerti tentang apapun yang berkaitan dengan politik sehingga banyak hal yang baru saya ketahui dari obrolan tersebut. Di dalam kereta pun kami masih mengobrol, diselingi dengan candaan kecil dari Aziz dan Ari yang sepertinya membuat penumpang lain melihat dengan tatapan aneh ke arah kami haha.

Over all, saya bersyukur karena walaupun saya ketinggalan kereta tapi saya dipertemukan dengan sahabat sahabat saya. Sahabat yang selalu mengerti, sahabat yang akan selalu simpan di tempat paling spesial di memori saya. Banyak hal yang saya pelajari dari mereka. Saya yakin Allah mengirim mereka untuk suatu alasan. Selain itu, sudah satu minggu saya batuk tidak sembuh sembuh, mungkin Allah memberikan kesempatan kepada saya untuk beristirahat total agar saya segera sembuh, amin...

I believe everything happened for a reason, a good reason, or even some good reasons because He knows what is best for us, He knows how everything should be. 
To Him we shall be brought back.
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Saturday, April 12, 2014


People said "Don't stop trying, don't ever give up."

I totally agree with it. But in some cases, it's different. Sometimes we need to stop trying for the right reason. Like when you really fight for someone but that person doesn't seem like you to do that, I think you need to stop. In my opinion, no matter how hard you like someone you can't force him/her to like you back. We don't always get what we want. That person might has some acceptable reasons and you have to understand.

I've been there and I already did it. It doesn't mean that my feeling will change, it won't. I'm just afraid that I'll make everything worse. You know, I feel suck when I make a person feels uncomfortable with me. All I can do is just stay away.

I believe God has another great plans for me, because He is The Almighty One.
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