Thursday, April 10, 2014


It's been a long time since I wrote my last post in this lonely blog. I might be too busy, too busy watching movies, reading books, and eating (certainly) hahaha.

I realized that being alone makes me stressful. But I can't deny that I also want to be all alone sometimes. I would make my room like a prison cell. No body could get in. I usually lock my self and doing anything I want: watching movies, reading, blogging, or.......just sleeping Zzz. It's not that I become anti-social, I just want my own space, my free space, without anybody bothering. I call this as a meditation. I find it fun to do this kind of meditation. Just be ware that don't do this too long, it will even make your head explodes!

Do not ever pity yourself too much because of stupid excuses like 'Nobody cares' or 'My life is so pity' or 'I don't have anyone' or 'I am forever alone' or whatsoever. Just believe that we are not alone because there is always our Almighty God, He will always be with us. Be grateful of what we have now.


  1. haha that's what i always think "Do not ever pity yourself... Just believe that we are not alone ..."
    I assume that being adult just like this, often to feel lonely and lost #apasih :p

    1. Yesss exactly, just because we are not married yet #lahsalahtangkep xD
